Here is a Excelsior Bottling Company Match Safe from the Excelsior Bottling Company located in Reading, PA.  This Excelsior Bottling Co. Match Safe is from 1902 and is in excellent condition for it’s age.  This Excelsior Bottling Co. Matchsafe is made of brass and pewter and is double sided; one side reads “Excelsior Bottling Co.” and the other reads “Seasons Greetings | 1902 | T.J. Fessler S.G. Dunkelberger”. The two initials and last names on the back are in reference to the owners of Excelsior Bottling at the time.

The top of this match safe flips to store matches inside and the bottom has a small match stick striker to light the match.  I believe this match safe was some kind of a gift or handout from the bottling company during the Holiday Season in 1902.