Here is a Mardi Gras Bottle Display from the Old Reading Brewing Company located in Reading, PA.  This Mardi Gras Malt Display is from the 1960’s era and is in very good condition for it’s age.

The Mardi Gras Malt Liquor product was produced by the Old Reading Brewery from 1960 to 1967 to compete with other brewery brands.  The Sunshine Brewery’s “Playmate Malt Liquor” already had a foothold in the local Malt Liquor market and Mardi Gras was the direct competition to that product.

This Old Reading Mardi Gras Display consists of 6 original labeled bottles inside of an original cardboard 6-pack carrier displayed in a metal and wire Mardi Gras sign holder.  Orignally, there would have been a small yellow and black celluloid button attached to the top right corner of the metal display that read “6 PACK $2.25”. Displays like this one would have been displaed in beer distributors and on bar backs to advertise Old Reading Brewery’s Mardi Gras Beer in 6 packs for takeout and distribution.

I am actually looking for the price button or a complete Mardi Gras display to add to my collection; please contact me if you have one or any other advertising of this product.