Wacker Brewing Company

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Wacker brewing company Lancaster beer delivery truckThe history of the Wacker Brewing Company of Lancaster, PA all started when the brewery was established in 1853 by Joseph Sprenger and was originally named the Eagle Brewing Company.

In 1868, Lancaster County was known as the “Munich of the United State” due to the vast majority of German immigrants that occupied the area.  And with the German immigrants came their their love of beer and brewing expertise, especially a beer style new to Americans called lager.

In 1870, Joseph Wacker purchases the Eagle Brewery from Jacob Sprenger. The Wacker family’s brewery would become an integral part of Lancaster’s brewing community for the next seventy years.

In 1880, after 10 years of running his brewery, Joseph retires and turns operation over to his two sons, Charles and Joseph Jr., who conducted business as “Charles V. Wacker and Bro.”

In 1894, a massive fire cripples brewing production of the brewery.  But from the ashes gave the Wacker Family the opportunity to enlarge and modernize their brewing operations in order to compete with their three Lancaster city brewing rivals including Haefner Brewing Company, Sprenger Brewing Company, and Rieker Brewing Company.

In 1919, with prohibition looming over the country Lancaster ran dry. Lancaster county puts a halt to all production, sales, and transportation of fermented liquids in accordance with the 18th Amendment, thus beginning the Prohibition Era in Lancaster. During prohibition, Wacker Brewing changed their names to the Olde Lancaster Brewery where they produced near-beer called Olde Lancaster Brew.  Old Lancaster Brew was less than 1% alcohol by volume and was completely legal to consume during prohibition.

1933 / Prohibition is Repealed
Happy Days are Here at Last!

After 14 years of non-production of beer Olde Lancaster Brewing Company begins to produced beer once more.  In 1934, they change the name to the Wacker Brewing Company.

In 1936, After 68 years, Wacker family involvement in the brewing industry ends when Joseph Jr. sells the brewery to a Mr. John Duschl. John Duschl owns and operates the brewery with his son-in-law Paul Danz. Under their stewardship, Wacker would upgrade their facilities and equipment which allowed the brewery to outlast all county competition.

In 1953, the brewery celebrates it’s centennial and turns 100 years old. To mark the occasion of a century producing great beer in Lancaster, all 40 Wacker Brewing Company employees are paid in silver dollars.

In 1956 however the brewery eventually closes. No longer able to compete with the huge Mid-Western breweries, Paul Danz is forced to close the brewery’s doors. This event marks the ending of a unique chapter of Lancaster County history.

Fast forward to 2014, The Wacker Brewing Company is reborn, a symbol of both Lancaster’s rich brewing heritage and the industry’s resurgence. After being closed for more than 55 years Wacker Brewing is proud to rekindle Joseph Wacker’s legacy by once again offering local, hand-crafted quality beer in Lancaster.

The beer they made for all!

Little Dutch Porter | Wacker’s Half & Half | Wacker’s Ale | Wacker Premium Beer | Wacker Premium Porter | Wacker’s All Malt Ale | Wacker’s All Malt Beer | Wacker’s Bavarian Brand Weiss Beer  | Little Dutch Ale | Wacker’s Beer | Little Dutch Beer | Old Bohemian Beer | Wacker Porter | Wacker’s Bohemian Beer | Wacker Bock | Olde Lancaster Brew

Below are a few examples of Wacker Brewery advertising items:

I’m always interested in buying Wacker Brewery items.
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